VVK: 20,- € zzgl. Geb.
Megaplex Tour 2019
Do 07.02.19 Peter Weiss Haus | Rostock
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr | Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
VVK: 20,- € zzgl. Geb.
Am 27.04. 2018 erschien das neue Album ›Megaplex‹, worin uns Keith Murray (guitar/vocals) und Chris Cain erneut mit zehn bunten und süchtig machenden neuen Streichen überwältigen, eine willkommene Ablenkung in diesen trostlosen Zeiten: »In the past we’ve used our music to educate, to enlighten, to awaken people to the depth and complexity of moral concerns. This time, we really wanted to drop a fun- bomb. Something to dance or f*** to, « erzählt Chris – nun, ›Megaplex‹ vollbringt genau dies. Aufgenommen von Tim Wheeler in den Ash’s Atomic Heart Studios in NYC und erneut produziert von Max Hart (Ex-Katy Perry), kehrt das Duo mit einem so herrlich ausladenden wie konzisen Pop-Monster zurück. »At this point in our career, we’ve written so many songs, « erklärt Keith. »The pool for this record alone was something like 90 songs deep — that we know exactly what we want out of a We Are Scientists record. We want it to be taut, to bang hard, to have a big hook every four seconds or so. We don’t have to be precious about which songs make it onto a record; we can listen to the ones that didn’t make it at home, on our own time. ›Megaplex‹ is just the ten most delicious songs that we have — a stacked-up compound of entertainment.«
»It takes a lot of hard work, a lot of honing of craft to make it to six records, « fährt er fort: »I mean, the Velvet Underground never made six albums. The Smiths didn’t. Pavement, Guns N’ Roses, The Stooges — none of them could do it. So, I guess we’re just objectively better than those bands now? It’s just a mathematical fact, right? Van Halen made six with David Lee Roth but only four with Sammy Hagar, so I guess we’re better than Hagar-era Van Halen but only just as good as Roth-era? Which, saying it out loud, makes total sense, yeah. «
Starke Fakten, die kaum bestritten werden können, wenn man diese zehn melodiösen, zartschmelzenden Nuggets hört, die einen schlicht blenden in ihrem hellen Glanz. Ja, Leute! We Are Scientists sind so was von zurück! Und nun auch wieder auf den Bühnen Eurer Stadt.